Art Museum


Kristen was getting a touch of cabin fever, so she and her mom took Jake to the Cincinnati Art Museum today. They had lunch in the cafe, walked around the grounds and took in the various works. I am told that Jacob is a fan of modern art!

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Reading and Kroger


Reading and Smiling are the new skills of the day for young Jacob. He is very smiley with his mommy, especially after eating. He has started to make lots of little noises and coos as well… daddy thinks he will be a tenor! He really loves reading with his parents, and has taken a special interest in the book, “Black on White” which is a book of shapes in the highest contrast which he sees well right now.

Today, he embarked on his first visit to Cincinnati company Kroger. I know… people say there are cheaper places to shop, but Jake wants to support the home town companies!

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Month Two


Jake is officially 8 weeks old today. It is amazing to think back over those weeks to all that has happened and how much he has grown! Since our last post, Jake has gotten to meet more of both sides of his family. The Annetts and Lloyds all gathered in Hyde Park for a cook out. Nannie, cousins and Aunts and Uncles got to hang with Jacob.

We also made visits to the Knox and JP Morgan staff and have been welcoming friends and family from Cincy and out of town. Jacob seems to be very happy when people are over… usually never cries of fusses. He is a real people person. Here are some shots of him with visitors and at the family gathering.

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Jake and the Docs


Jacob got to hang out with lots of Doctors today… in a good way of course. First, he had his one month doctor visit to his Pediatrician, Dr. Hickey. Jake weighed in at 7lbs 6oz at his one week apointment so we were excited to see how he was doing now. We were all shocked though when we saw the scale say 9lbs 13oz!!! The kid sure is eating and doing very well. He also grew an inch and is great shape all around. He did have to get a shot… still doesn’t like those all that much. But he shook it off like a champ and was smiling again in no time. What a great little guy he is.

That evening, Dr. Mike and Lynn McClellan came to visit. Not only did they visit, but they got to feed Jacob too. Mike and Lynn showed they still have skills as he ate the entire bottle without a lot of fuss. Those two are always teaching us!

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Hyde Park Blast


Jacob was excited to get out and see his Grandparents so we went to Hyde Park for a cookout followed by a walk to the square. It was the evening of the Hyde Park Blast, so the square was packed. We ran into Aunt Lizzie while we were there with some of her friends. Jacob also got his first Graeter’s experience. No, no… don’t worry, we didn’t give him any, but he did take in the aromas.

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Father’s Day


Daddy Dave was so excited to celebrate his first Father’s Day with Nugget and family in June. As always, it was the day after returning from Montreat, so daddy was a bit bleary-eyed (though Montreat actually offered more sleep than home this year!). We went to the Hyde Park Grandparents for a nice lunch, and then followed that up with a cookout at the Anderson Grandparents home. Jake did really well all day, and loved seeing his family.

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More Visitors


Jacob has been so happy meeting his new friends and family. This time Morgan, Andre, Becca and Jackie stopped by. Jackie brought some guy with her and he was pretty cool. He stole the camera though and took a lot of interesting shots. I forget his name, but if you are reading this, thanks for the pics.

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Visits with Jacob


Jacob has been busy getting to know some of his family and friends. All three of us have been a bit home bound these first few weeks, so the company was so nice to have! Thanks to everyone who sent cards and well wishes in addition to our home visitors… we are all so blessed to have you in our lives!

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A Walk and A Bath


As is the case  in the life of an infant, Jake has had a lot of firsts over the past two and a half weeks. Mommy was extra excited about taking him for a walk in the sunshine (and excited to get out herself)! We had to pick our days carefully as the weather in Cincinnati has been unusally hot and muggy for late May/early June. We did  end up with a nice morning though and got him all ready. I have to say Jacob’s parents enjoyed the walk probably more than he did, as was evidenced by his nap the entire trip! At least he was calmed enough to enjoy a nap while we walked.

Later in the week, it was time for his first bath. We are only allowed to sponge bathe him at this point, due to his cord still hanging around. He pretty much hated the experience, but he is now So Fresh and So Clean as his daddy’s favorite rap group would say. Enjoy the pics!

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Visit to Dr. Hickey


Jacob celebrated his one week birthday by taking a trip to Dr. Hickey’s office for a check up! Ok, so if he could talk right now, I am guessing he would have wanted to do something else, but he is still working on that skill. He slept the whole way there (loves the car rides) and even through the waiting room, but once the nurses and doctor started the check up, boy did he wake up. Though he was not the happiest guy through the check up, he got rave reviews from the medical staff. His birth stats were 19.5 inches long and 7lbs 4oz. At his one week check up he measured 20.5 inches long and 7lbs 6oz! Babies lose 10% of their birth weight while in the hospital, so the first goal is to get them to gain that weight back… and Jacob surpassed that goal, plus grew and inch in one week! Dr. Hickey was very impressed and I think Jake’s mom is feeling good knowing all that feeding time is paying off.

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