Jacob’s First Vacation!


Jake is at the beach and loving it! We are down in Siesta Key, Florida with our friends the Warners for a week. Jacob had his first plane ride, first experience with sand and the ocean and first taste of Chocolate Iced Cream all in the last 24 hours. He is one happy guy! Here are some pictures, more to come as well as video!

Swimming With Mommy!


Jacob and Kristen took a swim class yesterday at the Mercy Health Complex. Jake was not too fond of the water at first, and when the instructor held him, he kind of erupted in tears until he got back to mommy. Once he realized that they had toys in the pool though, he was good to go! By the end of the class he was really enjoying the water and the games. You can see from the pictures that Kristen had absolutely no fun.

Jacob’s First Christmas


We were so excited to celebrate Jacob’s very first Christmas this year! We woke up and opened some presents together in the morning, and then welcomed Grandma Jan, Grandpa Larry, Aunt Liz and Uncle EA over for more presents. We were joined by the Lloyds, including cousin Ben who was visiting from Hawaii! What a treat it was to visit and enjoy the day with everyone.

We then went over to Grandma Sara and Grandpa Steve’s for lunch and presents with the Skolnicks (Ben, Ashley and Aaron) and the Grubber-Johnson clan. There are more and more babies every time we get together. The kids all had a blast as did the adults watching them tear into gifts and play games with each other.

The evening had us traveling over to Uncle Ed and Aunt Oagle’s house in Terrace Park for the Annett Christmas. There we saw all the cousins and spouces, as well as Nanie! This is Nanie’s 90th Christmas which was very special for all of us.

We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful family that Jake will grow with and learn from. We love you all!

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Skyping With Mommy


Kristen is away at training for her job this week and Jake and I are having a blast. Guys Week has included staying up late, eating Skyline and Larosas every night, and staying in our PJs all day. (Kristen, only some of these are true). He is having fun with me, but misses his mommy too. Here is a video of him grabbing her face on the screen while we Skyped last night:

[pro-player width=”430″]https://www.jacobannett.com/video/Kissing_Mommy_on_Skype.flv[/pro-player]

Laughing Jacob


Our good friends and toy/clothing Angels, the Maneys, gave Jacob a bouncy chair that they dubbed “Baby Vegas”. After seeing Jacob play in it for a while, I must say it is a perfect name.
[pro-player width=”430″]https://www.jacobannett.com/video/jake_laughing_in_baby_vegas.flv[/pro-player]

Halloween 2010


Jake was super excited to dress up and partake in his first Halloween today. (Well, his parents were, and he seemed to be ok with it too). Jake was dressed as Yoda, the great Jedi Master, and willed himself into a candy bath. The costume lasted all of about 10 minutes before the great master started voicing his great displeasure. It was a blast though, and the neighborhood kids and parents enjoyed saying hello.

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First Trip to the Zoo!


Jake was super excited to take his first trip to the Zoo. We got some memberships a few weeks ago, but Kristen said we had to all go together for his first trip… or else!  🙂

We finally got a free day on Saturday October 30 and joined the crowd of costumed kids. Jake did really well as his mommy carried him around to see the animals. Some of his favorites were the Giraffe, Elephants, Monkeys and of course the CHEETAH! Seriously, the Cheetah show was pretty amazing. They actually let them run… just breath taking to see in person.

We were so excited to have Emily join us for the day. Jake loves his Aunt Em! She is taking classes at the Zoo now, so we got lots of great facts and info on the animals. She also knew her way around which was a big bonus.

I finally got to use my new camera lens… hope you enjoy the pics!

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First Solid Food!


Big day today for Jake! For dinner tonight he had his first taste of REAL FOOD! Very exciting for him and his parents. He did well in the beginning and then started to wonder… “What exactly is this stuff?” We got a system down after a while. Daddy made some weird noises, which made him smile and then the spoon went it. Seen enough, the whole bowl was gone and he topped it off with some bottle. A great start!

[pro-player width="430"]https://www.jacobannett.com/video/First_Cereal.f4v[/pro-player]

Just like his daddy…


Grandpa took a fun video of Jake today playing in a swing.

His father takes the last comment from Grandpa as a compliment!!!


Jacob’s First Laugh!


This morning, Jacob and I were playing on the ground and he was making lots of noises. Then all of a sudden, there came a little laugh! I of course jumped up to go grab the flip cam, but did not expect him to do it again. Well, my son did me proud… check the video!

[pro-player width="430"]https://www.jacobannett.com/video/firstlaugh.f4v[/pro-player]