A Walk and A Bath


As is the case  in the life of an infant, Jake has had a lot of firsts over the past two and a half weeks. Mommy was extra excited about taking him for a walk in the sunshine (and excited to get out herself)! We had to pick our days carefully as the weather in Cincinnati has been unusally hot and muggy for late May/early June. We did  end up with a nice morning though and got him all ready. I have to say Jacob’s parents enjoyed the walk probably more than he did, as was evidenced by his nap the entire trip! At least he was calmed enough to enjoy a nap while we walked.

Later in the week, it was time for his first bath. We are only allowed to sponge bathe him at this point, due to his cord still hanging around. He pretty much hated the experience, but he is now So Fresh and So Clean as his daddy’s favorite rap group would say. Enjoy the pics!

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